Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 17- finally!

Yesterday, I had one of those moments that sort of validated what you are doing.  It felt good and I wanted to share.  While the baby was asleep at home with daddy, I took my little boy to the playground near our house.  I knew this was my chance to sneak a workout in while he played, so here's what we did:  He rode his bike to the playground (probably .5 mile) while I ran beside him.  Then as he played, (mostly independently with my close supervision), I proceeded to climb the playground equipment, run around by chasing him, and use the park bench to do other exercises (such as tricep dips, push ups, squats, step ups, etc).   Most of the time we were alone, but other parents came and went.  It didn't stop me - at my age, I've learned to really not care what other people think.  But one dad stopped and said something to me, a point I've been trying to drive home in my Healthy Home posts.  He said, "Got to fit in a workout wherever and whenever you can, right?".   YES!!!  That's exactly what I've been talking about and he gets it.  So don't get discouraged if you don't make it to the gym, or get out alone for your run.  Find a way to make it work - it is possible!  Even if the other parents at the park are staring.  Ha!

So enough about fitness, let's talk food.  I love to try new recipes so this week (and most weeks from now on) will be a combination of new recipes and recipes I've already posted.  I have more evening events than usual which means I'm not doing as much cooking for dinner.  I'm hoping to make something yummy for myself to enjoy at lunch time, so I'll keep you posted if I squeeze in any of my ideas.  Have a great week!

Happy Cooking!

Week 17 - April 28, 2013

Sunday:  date night

Monday:  last parent/teacher meeting at my child's school - dinner and childcare provided

Tuesday: girls night out

Wednesday: Italian Baked Chicken, garden salad, roasted broccoli

Thursday: lemony shrimp risotto with arugula, caesar salad, roasted asparagus

Friday: pizza night

Saturday:  leftovers

 And if the day allows for it, here are a couple lunch ideas I would love to give a whirl:
Lemon Quinoa Cilantro Chickpea Salad with Tomatoes & Avocados

Chicken, Pesto, and Spinach Quinoa

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