Thursday, September 5, 2013

30 minute at-home workout of the week

If you've been following the Healthy Home Revolution since the beginning, you know that I workout at home either with my children or while they are sleeping (napping, or having quiet time).  You would also know that I am constantly doing different workouts to challenge my body and work my muscles differently.  This morning I tried a combination of a few workouts I found on Pinterest.  Check it out! 

As always, consult a doctor before beginning a new workout.  Warm up for 3-5 minutes with low-impact cardio moves, drink plenty of water, and rest when needed.  Also conclude each workout with a 2-5 minute cool down and stretch, stretch, stretch! 

Happy fitness!

Sarah's At-Home 30 minute Workout of the Week

Warm-up with 3-5 minutes of low-impact cardio such as marching, grapevines, jogging in place, and/or modified jumping jacks.

First 10 minutes- do the following moves twice through:
             20 jumping jacks, 15 crunches, 10 push-ups, 15 calf raises, 25 russian twists, 15 squats, 20 high knees, 15 reverse crunch, 30 second straight arm plank, 30 second side plank (right side on the first time through, left side on the second)

Second 10 minutes - a strength workout using 5-`0 pound weights, depending on the move and your strength.

Third 10 minutes:  any cardio of your choice.  I used our stationary bicycle, but other options are to go outside and run, walk or bicycle; or indoors use any cardio equipment you may need, or another 10 min cardio workout (there is an app that generates workouts called sworkit and it's free). 

Now cool down and stretch!  If you need some ideas for how to stretch, then check this out:

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